Tuesday, January 1, 2008


The day comes to a close and slowly I wind down, putting on the brakes to the fast-paced thoughts racing through my cranium. We closed the day by watching the movie SPANGLISH. I have heard that a lot of people didn't like it. Which is ok, everyone is entitled to their opinion.

What is very, very wrong with this world, is that there are so very many people who think that there are a whole lot of other people who should be under the lash and a microscope, their morals legislated and their lives carefully examined and watched. The only people I think should be carefully watched are those who are short-tempered and violently inclined! And people who would have us all ruled by the mores of the religious right!

Sorry, but I really think we should all be making our own decisions when it comes to morals, lifestyle and religious beliefs. I strongly believe in separation of church and state! I firmly believe that there should be no laws legislating morality. And most of all, I believe that there should be absolutely no laws governing and permitting censorship!

Censorship is something for parents to do in their homes when their children are at home and growing up into adults. A lot of parents are not good parents. But I don't believe in censorship. Who is going to decide what church someone else goes to? Who is going to decide who can see certain movies and who can't? You want to be a censor? Censor yourself!

There are hundreds of religions. Hundreds of different bibles.

There are hundreds of thousands of different personalities on the planet.

No one has any business censoring other adults...

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